Contact Us
The City of Cambridge is an urban environment with a number of available services, including:
- Water
- Wastewater
- Telecommunications
- Gas
- Electricity
Learn more about utility services in Cambridge.
Property taxes and tax rates
Property taxes in Ontario are collected based on a percentage of your property's current market value assessment (CVA). Each municipality is required to collect property taxes, and set the tax rates for the various property types. Municipal tax rates vary depending on the property type.
Visit City of Cambridge taxes fore more information.
Property assessment is the responsibility of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. For more information visit or contact the Assessment Office at (866) 297-6703.
Serviced by the City of Cambridge and Region of Waterloo, Cambridge has a well-developed road system. There is an extensive network of regional and provincial highways in the area, including Highway 401, Highway 8 and Highway 24. There are five interchanges to Highway 401, facilitating access to this major transportation route from the three industrial areas in the City.